#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "info.h"

int main()




    printf("This is my first code");

    printf(" Im from %s","kodad");

    int age;

    int currentyear;

    int birthyear;

    birthyear = 2008;

    currentyear = 2023;

    age = currentyear - birthyear;

      char text[7] = "years";

      //There are only six characters but we have given seven because one for "string teminator"//


    printf(" My age is %d %s\n",age,text);

    char *studentname[] = {"rk","manoj","maha","nish","pranav"};

    printf("\nThe best student in our class is %s \n",studentname[0]);

    printf("\nThe best student in our class is %s \n",studentname[1]);

    printf("\nThe best student in our class is %s \n",studentname[2]);

    printf("\nThe best student in our class is %s \n",studentname[3]);

    printf("\nThe best student in our class is %s \n",studentname[4]);


    printf("\nMy name is %s and im in %s\n", NAME,CLASS);

    printf("\nMy name is %s and i got %d marks\n", NAME, MARKS);

    int x2Marks = 2;

    int Myresult;

    Myresult = MARKS * x2Marks;

    printf("\nMy name is %s and i got %d marks\n", NAME, Myresult);

//--------------------------------------------GETTING DATA FROM USER-------------------------------------------------------//

    char person1[30];

    char person2[30];

    int mutualfriends;

    printf("\ndont give space between first name and last name.\n");

    printf("\nwhat is you name?(dont give space between first name and last name)\n");

    scanf("%s" , person1);

    printf("\nwho is your best friend?\n");

    scanf("%s" , person2);

    printf("\nhow many mutual friends do you have? (only numbers should be taken)\n");

    scanf("%d" , &mutualfriends);

    printf("My name is %s my best friend is %s and we have %d mutual friend" , person1 , person2 , mutualfriends);

//-----------------------------------------MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONS--------------------------------------------------------//

    int a = 15;

    int b = 3;

    int c = a + b;

    int d = a * b;

    int e = a / b;

    int f = a - b;

    float m = 15;

    float n = 6;

    float k = m / n;

    printf("\nThe result is %d" , c);

    printf("\nThe result is %f" , k);

//-----------------------------------------avg=total marks/total subjects-----------------------------------------------=-//

    float telugu, hindhi, english, social, mathematics, sceince, avg;

    printf("\n\n\tTo find you average please enter following details");

    printf("\n\n\tEnter your telugu marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &telugu);

    printf("\n\tEnter your hindhi marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &hindhi);

    printf("\n\tEnter your english marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &english);

    printf("\n\tEnter your social marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &social);

    printf("\n\tEnter your mathematics marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &mathematics);

    printf("\n\tEnter your sceince marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &sceince);

    avg = (telugu+hindhi+english+social+mathematics+sceince) / 6;

    printf("The average is %.3f percent\n", avg);

//--------------------------------------page views for website------------------------------------------------------//

    int pageview = 0;

    pageview = pageview + 1;

    printf("\n\n\n\n\n\nPage views: %d" , pageview);

    pageview = pageview + 1;

    printf("\nPage views: %d" , pageview);

    pageview = pageview + 1;

    printf("\nPage views: %d" , pageview);

    pageview = pageview + 1;

    printf("\nPage views: %d" , pageview);

    pageview = pageview + 1;

    printf("\nPage views: %d" , pageview);

//----------------------------------------COMPOUND INTREST---------------------------------------------------------------------//

    float fDeposit = 100000;

    float rateI = 1.07;

fDeposit = fDeposit*rateI;

    printf("\n\n\nTotal Amount is %.3f/-" , fDeposit);

 fDeposit = fDeposit*rateI;

    printf("\n\n\nTotal Amount is %.3f/-" , fDeposit);

 fDeposit = fDeposit*rateI;

    printf("\n\n\nTotal Amount is %.3f/-" , fDeposit);

 fDeposit = fDeposit*rateI;

    printf("\n\n\nTotal Amount is %.3f/-" , fDeposit);

    /* ------------------------------------------------daily uses----------------------------------------------*/

    float dailyincome;

    float apples;

    float price;

    float workingday;

    printf("Enter how many apples were sold\n");

    scanf("%f" , &apples);

    printf("\nEnter price of each apple\n");

    scanf("%f" , &price);

    printf("\nEnter working days\n");

    scanf("%f" , &workingday);

    dailyincome = (price * apples) / workingday;

    printf ("\n\n\n Your daily income is %f\n", dailyincome );

//-----------------------------------------------code execution-----------------------------------//

    int yourclass;

     printf("\n\nEnter you class in number:");

     scanf("%d" , &yourclass);

     if(yourclass >= 6){

            float telugu, hindhi, english, social, mathematics, sceince, avg;

    printf("\n\n\tTo find you average please enter following details");

    printf("\n\n\tEnter your telugu marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &telugu);

    printf("\n\tEnter your hindhi marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &hindhi);

    printf("\n\tEnter your english marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &english);

    printf("\n\tEnter your social marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &social);

    printf("\n\tEnter your mathematics marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &mathematics);

    printf("\n\tEnter your sceince marks:\n");

    scanf("%f" , &sceince);

    avg = (telugu+hindhi+english+social+mathematics+sceince) / 6;

    printf("The average is %.3f percent\n", avg);



        printf("You are not eligible you have to be 6thclass or above to use this application.\n");


       return 0;
