X=MsgBox("Error while opening Computer. Do you want to Fix this Error?",4+64,"Computer")

X=MsgBox("Unable to Fix this Error. Do you want to scan this Computer",3+48,"Computer")

X=MsgBox("Alert ! Virus Detected. Delete Virus? ",3+16,"Alert!")

X=MsgBox("Unable to delete this Virus",1+64,"Critical Error")

X=MsgBox("Virus Is activated",2+16,"Alert")

X=MsgBox("Deleling System Files.....",2+16,"File Deletion")

X=MsgBox("Virus is copying your password.....",2+48,"Virus Alert")

X=MsgBox("Please Wait, Uploading your data to Server. Do you want to Stop it",4+64,"File Transfer")

X=MsgBox("Could not stop. File Transfer Completed",1+16,"Completed")

X=MsgBox("Your Computer is Hacked",0+64,"Alert")

X=MsgBox("HAHA This was Prank",0+64,"Fooled You")

save this computer.vbs in your computer and open it and do virus prank on you friend